
At Bean, Kinney & Korman, we are dedicated to integrating sustainability into every facet of our business practices and legal work. Our commitment to environmental stewardship is exemplified by our team of Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED®) Accredited Professionals, who leverage their expertise in sustainable practices across various disciplines. From selecting our office space in a LEED Gold and ENERGY STAR certified building to implementing eco-friendly policies in our daily operations, we take a comprehensive approach to sustainability. Our efforts include intelligent commuting options, robust recycling programs, mindful paper and printing management, environmentally conscious purchasing, waste reduction strategies, and energy conservation initiatives—all aimed at minimizing our environmental impact while fostering a culture of sustainability within our firm.

Intelligent Commuting: Our offices are strategically located in a central urban area with easy access to public transportation systems, carpooling, vanpooling, and ride-share programs. We actively support these sustainable commuting options by providing financial incentives to employees who choose public transportation, reducing our carbon footprint and promoting environmentally friendly commuting practices.

Comprehensive Recycling: We have implemented a robust recycling program with recycling receptacles conveniently located throughout our offices. We also offer specialized disposal for batteries and other materials, and our building management regularly organizes electronic waste recycling collections. These initiatives help us minimize waste and contribute to a more sustainable office environment.

Paper and Printing Management: While the goal of a paperless office is admirable, we recognize the realities of paper usage in a law firm. To mitigate our environmental impact, we source our paper from recycled and rapidly renewable materials, encourage reduced printing, and promote the use of duplex and draft printing modes. Over the years, we have significantly increased our reliance on electronic records, substantially decreasing our paper consumption.

Eco-Friendly Purchasing Practices: We prioritize sustainability in our purchasing decisions, choosing supplies and equipment that are environmentally friendly, recycled, and energy-efficient. Our commitment extends to using eco-friendly cleaning products and selecting vendors who align with our sustainability values, ensuring that our procurement practices support our environmental goals. 

Waste Reduction Strategies: We focus on reducing waste through thoughtful practices, such as using glassware and ceramics for beverage services, providing filtered water instead of bottled water, and encouraging the use of reusable lunch containers. These efforts contribute to lowering our carbon footprint and minimizing the amount of waste generated by our office. 

Energy Efficiency: We actively work to reduce our energy consumption by utilizing CFL lighting, installing motion sensors, and encouraging employees to turn off lights and shut down monitors when not in use. Energy performance ratings are a key consideration in our selection of office equipment, ensuring that we choose the most energy-efficient options available.